Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cycling in Malaysia

Hi, I am a cyclist in Petaling Jaya, a suburb outside Kuala Lumpur (KL in short), the capital of Malaysia. I have been reading and following cycling blogs of cyclists based in Copenhagen, Amsterdam, London, and various places in US--even Alaska!

Cycling is a growing obsession in KL and its surrounding areas (PJ, Shah Alam, Putrajaya, Kajang, etc), and the community is growing by the day. So, I thought maybe I should share the cycling experience here in the Klang Valley (i.e. KL and its surrounding areas), especially for our readers overseas who might want to visit and see Malaysia by bicycle, and to expatriates who might be posted here, and would like to cycle during their weekends.

Gombak-Genting Sempah--a 17 km climbing route just 15 km from central KL

There are a few good road-cycling routes around and outside KL, and a good more routes for mountain biking. (Incidently, I am more of a roadie). You can start riding in jungle and mountain surrounding just 15 km from central KL, and there are many trails in the parks or "green" reserves inside KL and PJ area. Bicycle and parts are comparatively cheap here (low overhead costs, and LBS's not out to rob you), and after-sales-services are usually free of charge.

Climbing the road to Genting Highlands--the Huez d'Alp equivalent in Tour de Langkawi

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